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I'm not sure what you're looking for. 4. Copy and paste this blog post into your editor, and replace the word "introduction" with the word "post". 5. Add a title of your choice to the blog post you've created. 6. Remove this section from your new post before publishing! __A new post by Jim _____ on givemebacktime-now _____ Here at GiveMeBackTime, we provide tips on time management that will help you get more done in less time, so today I wanted to talk about how to stop reading long articles online so quickly. 1. Copy your blog post into your editor, and replace the word "post" with the word "article". 2. Remove this section from your new article before publishing! __An article by Jim ____ on givemebacktime-now ____ 5 Tips On How To Stop Reading Long Articles Online So Quickly Here at GiveMeBackTime, we provide tips on time management that will help you get more done in less time, and today I wanted to talk about how to stop reading long articles online so quickly. (1) Silence Your Devices: The first thing you can do is silence your devices when you're trying to concentrate on a task. Turning off your phone and putting it in a drawer or charging it can help reduce distractions and help you focus. (2) The second thing you can do is to put the article away when you're done reading it. When I used to read articles, I would often let my screen die by turning off the computer and hiding the browser window that was open. But now I find that if I have it open, I'm more likely to go back and read the article again. 3. The third thing you can do is to use a timer to time how long it takes you to finish the article. Many people, including myself, tend to read an article once and then read it again before they're finished with it the first time. This is bad for you because you are wasting time reading something twice when you could be doing something else productive. So next time you set out to read an article, set a timer for 10 minutes and try not to go back and re-read unless absolutely necessary. 4 4. The fourth thing you can do is to use a bookmarking service like deli. or pocket to save articles that you want to read at a later date. When you're ready to read the article again, you can go to the bookmarking website, search for it, and read it at your leisure! 5. The final thing you can do is use an app like Readability to speed up the reading process. This app work very well with text-heavy blogs like this one, and it removes the ads (or 'skyscrapers') from many websites so that all you can see are the important text for reading purposes. Choose high-quality font size (11 font size), remove everything except for the article itself, and then save articles for reading offline. cfa1e77820